Adaptations of farming systems to cities: Periurban farms beyond the short food supply chains
L'adaptation des systèmes d'exploitation aux villes : exploitations périurbaines et circuits courts
There is an increasing attention to periurban agriculture, mainly related to the services provided by maintaining agriculture nearby the city and to the conflicts related to the use of the resources. However, few attention is given to the farm management in periurban areas, looking more on the environmental impacts or on the contribution of such farmers to the development of short food-supply chains. We study the adaptation of periurban farming systems to cities through the elaboration of a statistical-based farm typology. The variables used in the typology described the farm territory and management, the land use intensity and the farmers' characteristics. We apply our method to the urban region of Pisa (Italy), a medium-sized city leading an inter-municipal area of almost 200,000 inhabitants which experienced a diuse urbanization since the eighties. Seven types appeared on a sample of 55 farms described by 18 variables. Our results underlined that 1) the farm types are not always linked to the main productive orientation of farms, except in the case of the specialized farms and 2) that not all the farm types located in the urban region have functional relationships to the city. These relationships are revealed not only by the local marketing of farm products but also from the fragmentation of land tenure, the bonds of the farmer, the multifunctionality of the farm, the intensity of the agricultural practices. Through a spatial analysis of the farm types location we found a negative correlation between those types having a functional relation to the city linked to short food-supply chains and the distance of the farm to the city, suggesting that the farms mostly oriented to the urban market and their farmland farest than the other farms. Our results can contribute to a better understanding of the resilience of farming systems in periurban areas.