Laboratoire d'étude des Ressources FOrêt-Bois (LERFOB)

In the challenging contexts of climate change and increased pressure concerning agricultural and forest multifunctionality, the LERFoB laboratory does research on the ecological dynamics of forest resources. Disciplines addressed include the ecology of species and plant communities, the modelling and simulation of forest stand growth and yield, wood biomechanics, plant architecture and statistical analysis. The research work is mainly oriented towards public decision making, and the management of resources and of natural or cultivated areas, and this in connection with the mission of higher education in forestry, forest engineering and management, with high emphasis on R&D. However, we attach importance to the maintenance of our capacity to work on risky and completely innovative subjects, and to the communication of our results to a broad scientific community beyond the forest science community. Our research is based on observations of natural systems gathered in large databases, growth and yield experiments, and on characterization of wood, in particular by X-ray tomography.

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